About GoAntiques Blog

Our Story

In 1995, GoAntiques stepped onto the scene as one of the earliest antique and vintage marketplaces on the web. Since its acquisition by Gemr in 2015, we have been steadily renovating the site by improving technical aspects of the website, and advertising both in print and social media. Find us in “Maine Antique Digest” and “The Journal of Antiques and Collectibles” along with our accounts on Instagram: @go_antiques and on Pinterest: GoAntiques. While some feel the antiques and vintage market has been declining, we feel that it has instead, moved more significantly online. 

Our goal is to provide buyers with a broad array of antique & vintage items, spanning price ranges that appeal to young buyers who are new to the market, upcyclers, A & V enthusiasts, seasoned interior designers, as well as collectors of all types. 

The vision for this blog is to inspire and educate those who come across it! We’ve broken our content into three sections: Collectors Central, a place where we post about all things “collecting”, how to find those rare pieces, and how to know if you’re a collector. Dealer In-Depth is where we share tips and tricks for our loyal GoAntiques dealers. This is where you’ll find our monthly newsletters and any relevant trends in the antique and vintage market. Last, but certainly not least, we have Style Shakedown that dives into the beautiful world of vintage design. Interior Design is taking the world by storm; millennials are buying their first homes and they love antique and vintage just as much as we do. 

We hope you enjoy what you find here, and that GoAntiques will become your new shopping hub for all things antique & vintage! 
