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Bakers Coconut 1952 Ad
Bakers Coconut 1952 Ad. This color September, 1952 ad states It costs so little, it adds so much, so...

Armour Star Bacon 1955 Ad
Armour Star Bacon 1955 Ad. This color September 12, 1955 ad states More than just Cured. Armour Star...

Chef Boy Ar Dee Spaghetti Dinner 1955 Ad
Chef Boy Ar Dee Spaghetti Dinner 1955 Ad. This color September 12, 1955 ad states in 12 minutes you ...

Calumet Baking Powder 1936 Ad
Calumet Baking Powder 1936 Ad. This black and white February, 1936 ad states Learn the secret of Vel...

Campfire Marshmallows 1952 Ad
Campfire Marshmallows 1952 Ad. This color September 1952 Cracker Jack Co. Ad states Yum m m. Campfir...

Carnation Brand Evaporated Milk 1925 Ad.
Carnation Brand Evaporated Milk 1925 Ad. This color September, 1925 ad states Everything that's in a...

Crisco Shortening 1952 Ad
Crisco Shortening 1952 Ad. This color October, 1952 ad states Crisco makes this Betty Crocker Golden...

Calumet Baking Powder 1954 Ad
Calumet Baking Powder 1954 Ad. This color 1954 ad states everyones Telling Everyone. For only a frac...

Durkees Coconut Virginia Coates 1949
Durkees Coconut Virginia Coates 1949 Add this color December, 1949 ad states Coconut Cuties for the ...

Durkees Pumpkin Pie Spice 1949 Ad
Durkees Pumpkin Pie Spice 1949 Ad. This color December, 1949 ad states A Whopper of a topper for you...

Frenchs Mustard 1952 Ad
Frenchs Mustard 1952 Ad. This color September, 1952 ad states different delicious Ham Steak. Frenchs...

Jell-O Puddings And Pie Fillings 1952 Ad
Jell-O Puddings And Pie Fillings 1952 Ad. This color September, 1952 ad states Coconut Cream Dreams,...

Jell O 1924 Ad
Jell O 1924 Ad. This color February 7, 1924 Genesee Pure Food Co. Ad states look Jane, Jerry Brought...

Corn Products Refining Co. Karo 1931 Ad
Corn Products Refining Co. Karo 1931 Ad. This black and white May, 1931 ad states A delightful way t...

Mazola Salad And Cooking Oil 1931 Ad
Mazola Salad And Cooking Oil 1931 Ad. This black and white May, 1931 ad states French Dressing, my D...

Mortons Salt 1946 Ad
Mortons Salt 1946 Ad. This color November 4, 1946 ad states When it rains it pours, a famous slogan,...

Nabisco Waffle Creams Cookies 1952 Ad
Nabisco Waffle Creams Cookies 1952 Ad. This color October, 1952 ad states Nabisco Bakes Better Cooki...

Niblets And Niblet Ears Corn 1940 AD
Niblets And Niblet Ears Corn 1940 AD. This color April 1, 1940 ad states Whos having more Fun. A gol...

Pillsbury Best XXXX Flour 1936 Ad
Pillsbury Best XXXX Flour 1936 Ad. This color February, 1936 ad states That's what I want for supper...

Planters New Dry Roasted Nuts 1963 Ad
Planters New Dry Roasted Nuts 1963 Ad. This color October 25, 1963 ad states if you think theres not...