Welcome to TCACMALL. We hope your shopping experience is a pleasant one. Please email us tcac@tcacmall.com with any questions or concerns. We take credit/debit cards over the phone if you prefer. Just call 574-586-2745 (New Kitchen Store)and ask for Phyllis. Thank you,

Sears Roebuck Baby Items 1936 Ad
Sears Roebuck Baby Items 1936 Ad. This black and white 1936 Sears Roebuck Catalog page ad shows baby...

Sears Roebuck Baby Items 1938 Ad
Sears Roebuck Baby Items 1938 Ad. This black and white 1938 Sears Roebuck Catalog page ad shows Genu...

Lane Cedar Hope Chest 1945 Ad.
Lane Cedar Hope Chest 1945 Ad. This color January 29, 1945 ad states Shirley Temple says, for your R...

Mengel Furniture 1949 Ad
Mengel Furniture 1949 Ad. This color January 31, 1949 ad states This new beauty speaks with Old Engl...

French And Co. Antique 1957 Ad
French And Co. Antique 1957 Ad. This two page color August 5, 1957 ad states Worlds Fanciest Second ...

Drexel Furniture 1968 Ad
Drexel Furniture 1968 Ad. This color September 27, 1968 ad states What makes Drexel Furniture so spe...

Adler Rochester Clothes 1920 Ad
Adler Rochester Clothes 1920 Ad. This black and white October 6, 1920 ad states The selection of you...

Womens World Patterns 1931 Ad
Womens World Patterns 1931 Ad. This black and white May, 1931 ad shows Frocks for May Festivities pa...

The Farmers Wife Magazine Patterns 1936 Ad.
The Farmers Wife Magazine Patterns 1936 Ad. This black and white February, 1936 ad states Looking ah...

News Flash Clothes Making 1940 Article
News Flash Clothes Making 1940 Article. This black and white May, 1940 article states News Flashes, ...

I. Miller Co. Eyes On Style 1940 Ad.
I. Miller Co. Eyes On Style 1940 Ad. This black and white May, 1940 ad states Eyes on Style, womens ...

Needlecraft Sew Smart 1940 Article
Needlecraft Sew Smart 1940 Article. This black and white May, 1940 article states Sew Smart by Helen...

Simplicity Patterns 1952 Ad.
Simplicity Patterns 1952 Ad. This two page black and white September, 1952 ad states Costumes cut ou...

A Good Housekeeping Facts First Fashions 1952 Article
A Good Housekeeping Facts First Fashions 1952 Article. This black and White and color 3 page Septemb...

Nanette Babe and Toddler Frocks 1952 Ad
Nanette Babe and Toddler Frocks 1952 Ad. This black and white September, 1952 ad states Portrait for...

Good House Keeping Book Of Fashions 1952 Ad
Good House Keeping Book Of Fashions 1952 Ad. This color October, 1952 ad states Good Housekeeping pr...

Holeproof Hosiery Co. 1920 Ad
Holeproof Hosiery Co. 1920 Ad. This black and white March 13, 1920 ad states Charming hose as Durabl...

Holeproof Hosiery Co. 1920 Ad
Holeproof Hosiery Co. 1920 Ad. This black and white October 2, 1920 ad states good taste in dress im...

Jantzen Swim Wear 1941 Ad.
Jantzen Swim Wear 1941 Ad. This color May 26, 1941 ad states That Jantzen girl is here again, here s...

Kaynee Shirts And Pajamas 1928 Ad
Kaynee Shirts And Pajamas 1928 Ad. This black and white September, 1928 ad states Let them grow up i...