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Chevy Assault on the Andes 1958 Ad
Chevy Assault on the Andes 1958 Ad. This color May 13, 1958 ad states Chevy tames the wild Andes wit...

Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan 1959 Ad
Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan 1959 Ad. This color January 20, 1959 ad states Chevrolet What would you...

Chevrolet Impala Convertible 1959 Ad
Chevrolet Impala Convertible 1959 Ad. This color May 12, 1959 ad states Chevrolet, even the price is...

Chevrolet Nomad Station Wagon 1959 Ad
Chevrolet Nomad Station Wagon 1959 Ad. This color May 16, 1959 ad states if you can drive this one a...

1960 Impala Sport Sedan 1959 Ad
1960 Impala Sport Sedan 1959 Ad. This color November 10, 1959 ad states Here with all these things n...

Chevrolet Nova Hatchback Coupe 1972 Ad
Chevrolet Nova Hatchback Coupe 1972 Ad. This color November 17, 1972 ad states New Nova. With a big ...

Chevrolet Vega Best Economy Car 1972 Ad
Chevrolet Vega Best Economy Car 1972 Ad. This black and white August 25, 1972 ad states Look who vot...

Chevrolet Nova At The Alamo 1972 Ad
Chevrolet Nova At The Alamo 1972 Ad. This color two page August 4, 1972 ad states Remember the Nova,...

Cadillac At San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1956 Ad
Cadillac At San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1956 Ad. This color October 2, 1956 ad shows blue1956 C...

Cadillac at Boston Museum of Fine Arts 1956 Ad
Cadillac at Boston Museum of Fine Arts 1956 Ad. This color September 18, 1956 ad shows Green Cadilla...

Cadillac and Jewels 1957 Ad
Cadillac and Jewels 1957 Ad. This color February 5, 1957 ad states Magnificent beyond all Expectatio...

Cadillac Racquet Club 1956 Ad
Cadillac Racquet Club 1956 Ad. This color June 26, 1956 ad shows men in Tuxes and women in gowns by ...

Cadillac Coupe De Ville 1956 Ad
Cadillac Coupe De Ville 1956 Ad. This color August 7, 1956 ad states Owners tell us that one of the ...

Cadillac Del Monte Lodge 1958 Ad
Cadillac Del Monte Lodge 1958 Ad. This color April 29, 1958 ad states It outsteps its own great trad...

Cadillac Sedan De Ville Ritz Carlton 1959 Ad
Cadillac Sedan De Ville Ritz Carlton 1959 Ad.This color March 17, 1959 ad states It would be difficu...

Cadillac Sedan De Ville The Drake 1959 Ad
Cadillac Sedan De Ville The Drake 1959 Ad. This color September 1, 1959 ad states When a man approac...

Cadillac Motor Car Division GM Corp. 1959 Ad
Cadillac Motor Car Division GM Corp. 1959 Ad. This color April 28, 1959 ad states wherever automobil...

Chrysler Scores Again 1927 Ad
Chrysler Scores Again 1927 Ad. This black and white August 1927 ad states Chrysler Scores agaain Gre...

The Illustrious New Chrysler 72 1927 Ad.
The Illustrious New Chrysler 72 1927 Ad. This black and white October 1927 ad states The Illustrious...

Chrysler Motors 1929 Ad
Chrysler Motors 1929 Ad. This black and white September, 1920 ad states So Different they require a ...