Speedy Stitcher Canvas Sewing Awl

This is a nice clean, like new sewing awl / tool handle, marked "SPEEDY STITCHER SPORTSMAN'S POST INC. 26 E. 46TH STREET, NEW YORK N.Y. 47" on the instruction sheet of paper, the corporation name is also on the label of the original box that it was sent by mail in to the original owner. Also included is paper instructions, and parts, and supply list. The kit includes heavy thread that is contained on a spool inside the hollow part of the wood handle. There is a metal cap that covers that area. The thread is strung through a slot in the handle into that chuck area, then through the needled as needed. The needles on this model are heavy duty for sail material awnings or canvas, to be used for leather, carpet, saddles, and various sporting goods. The tool is 4.5" long, and the needles are .078" diameter x 2.12" long. This awl is basically like new condition with little sign of use, only the box is worn, the end flat is missing, and the instruction page is a little darkened from age. A nicely made sewing tool handle kit, with three good needles!