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Gypsy rose Lee 1948 Article
Gypsy rose Lee 1948 Article. This black and white September 28, 1948 article states Her innumerable ...

Brash Beauty Hazel Brooks 1948 Article
Brash Beauty Hazel Brooks 1948 Article. This color September 28, 1948 article states Brash Beauty, S...

Chafing Dish Cooking 1948 Article
Chafing Dish Cooking 1948 Article. This color October 12, 1948 article states Men Excel at Chafing D...

Ann Sheridan Hair Dresser 1948 Article
Ann Sheridan Hair Dresser 1948 Article. This black and white October 26, 1948 Article states Arrivin...

Bing Crosby Look Picture Personality 1948 Article
Bing Crosby Look Picture Personality 1948 Article. This black and white 3 page October 26, 1948 Arti...

Buick LeSabre 1964 Car Ad
Buick LeSabre 1964 Car Ad. This color November 17, 1964 ad states Surprise. Bet you think this 65 Bu...

Buick Wildcat Gran Sport 1966 Ad
Buick Wildcat Gran Sport 1966 Ad. This two page color January 29, 1966 ad states The Tuned car for y...

Buick Opal Mini Brute 1969 Ad
Buick Opal Mini Brute 1969 Ad. This color March 7, 1969 ad states The Family Mini Brute. Opels new f...

Cadillac 1964 Car Ad
Cadillac 1964 Car Ad. This color November 17, 1964 ad states Theres a new celebrity in Town. Its jus...

Chevrolet Car 1948 Ad. This color May 11, 1948
Chevrolet Car 1948 Ad. This color May 11, 1948 ad states More people drive, more people want Chevrol...

Chevrolet Car 1948 Ad
Chevrolet Car 1948 Ad. This color July 6, 1948 ad states Only Chevrolet gives this finer combination...

Chevrolet Number One 1948 Ad.
Chevrolet Number One 1948 Ad. This color August 3, 1948 ad states Only One is Number One. Only Chevr...

Chevrolet 1948 Car Ad.
Chevrolet 1948 Car Ad. This color September 14, 1948 ad states more people drive Chevrolets than any...

Chevrolet 1948 Car Ad.
Chevrolet 1948 Car Ad. This color October 12, 1948 ad states more people buy Chevrolets than any oth...

Chevrolet Styleline De Luxe Car 1950 Ad.
Chevrolet Styleline De Luxe Car 1950 Ad. This color 1950 ad states Chevrolet must be the best buy, s...

Chevrolet Styleline De Luxe Car 1950 Ad
Chevrolet Styleline De Luxe Car 1950 Ad. This color April 11, 1950 ad states No Car like the Chevrol...

Chevrolet Styleline De Luxe Car 1950 Ad.
Chevrolet Styleline De Luxe Car 1950 Ad. This color May 9, 1950 ad states Chevrolets certainly easy ...

Chevrolet Bel Air 1950 Car.
Chevrolet Bel Air 1950 Car. This color July 4, 1950 ad states never saw such a beautiful car as that...

Chevrolet Impala 1964 Ad.
Chevrolet Impala 1964 Ad. This color two page November 17, 1964 ad states 65 Chevrolet, the roof is ...

Chevrolet Impala Convertible 1967 Ad
Chevrolet Impala Convertible 1967 Ad. This color June 2, 1967 ad states A Comfortable time was when ...