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Hamilton Electric Watch 1965 Ad
Hamilton Electric Watch 1965 Ad. This black and white May, 1965 ad states Only two watches make any ...
Elgin Personality Styled Watches 1957 Ad
Elgin Personality Styled Watches 1957 Ad. This color two page May 14, 1957 ad states If hes the comp...
Edgar Hilaire Germain Degas 1956 Picture
Edgar Hilaire Germain Degas 1956 Picture. This October 30, 1956 Picture of painting by Edgar Hilaire...
Paul Cezannes Still Life 1959 Picture
Paul Cezannes Still Life 1959 Picture. This April 14, 1959 Picture of Paul Cezannes Still Life with ...
Leonardo Da Vinci 1957 Article
Leonardo Da Vinci 1957 Article. This two page color June 23, 1957 article The story Behind the Paint...
Queen Elizabeths England 1957 Article
Queen Elizabeths England 1957 Article. This black and white 4 page October 29, 1957 article states A...
Jacques Louis David Artist 1957 Article
Jacques Louis David Artist 1957 Article. This two page black, white and color article David, Painter...
Gone With The Wind Dresses 1959 Pictures and Article
Gone With The Wind Dresses 1959 Pictures and Article. This July 9, 1959 two page article showing pic...
Cat Nips and Naps 1958 Pictures
Cat Nips and Naps 1958 Pictures. These black and white December 9, 1958 Pictures shows Kitten wide e...
Youth Companion Gifts for Subscriptions 1926 Ad
Youth Companion Gifts for Subscriptions 1926 Ad. This black and white October 21, 1926 ad states to ...
Gaines Dog Food Cocker Spaniels 1956 Ad.
Gaines Dog Food Cocker Spaniels 1956 Ad. This black, white and red two page November 13, 1956 ad sta...
Prairie Farmer Interesting Folks in Ill. 1936 article
Prairie Farmer Interesting Folks in Ill. 1936 article. This black and white December 19, 1936 articl...
Prairie Farmer Ads and Articles 1931
Prairie Farmer Ads and Articles 1931. This black and white February 21, 1931 ad states Family Runs P...
Prairie Farmers Weekly News in Pictures 1931
Prairie Farmers Weekly News in Pictures 1931. This black and white February 21, 1931 ad shows Farm S...
Spooky Favors for Halloween Parties 1926 Ad
Spooky Favors for Halloween Parties 1926 Ad. This black and white October 21, 1926 Youths Companion ...
Funny Hats on Funny Men 1957 Pictures
Funny Hats on Funny Men 1957 Pictures. This color January 22, 1957 ad states Funny hats on funny men...
A Dogs Best Friend A Duck 1959 Pictures
A Dogs Best Friend A Duck 1959 Pictures. This black and white April 28, 1959 ad shows German shepher...
Dan Emmet Authur of the song Dixie 1930 Article
Dan Emmet Authur of the song Dixie 1930 Article. This color two page February 1, 1930 article states...
Purdue Agricultural Conference 1930 Article
Purdue Agricultural Conference 1930 Article. This black and white February 1, 1930 Article with Pict...
Cast Your Own Broadway Shoe 1961 Article
Cast Your Own Broadway Shoe 1961 Article. This color 3 page March, 1961 article states heres your ch...