Tales Resold has been serving central North Carolina's comic and used book needs since 1980. Our store front business closed in 2008 but we continue to sell back issue comics and collectible books via this goantiques and ebay websites. We have a very extensive inventory of comic books and over 1000 different graphic novels are IN STOCK. All types of back issues are available. Among the many back issues we have are: Horror comics ---a few ECs, lots of DCs, Charlton, modern (twisted Tales, Fright, etc.), golden age, Little Lulu, Walt Disney (enormous selection), Archies galore, many Fawcetts including Captain Marvel, Three Stooges, Jerry Lewis, Porky Pig, Abbott & Costello, Car 54, Little Dot, Fox & Crow, Blackhawk comics (Quality & DC), Action, Adventure, Superman, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Worlds Finest, many golden age books, Batman, Detective, Marvel Comics any you can think of including many key issues, Fairy Tales on Parade, Planet Comics (about 20 different golden age issues), War comics you name it, we have it. Mad magazines (not too deep prior to 1970) underground comics (sorry, no Freak brothers but many others), many 1980s independent black & whites. Western comics (most likely the most youve ever seen) including several Lone Ranger. Gold Key, Star Trek, Jetsons, we could go on and on. Let us know what you want. Get Rich---------Read a Book!!!

very fine 8.0 Daredevil comic book #20 (1964 series)
minor chips.Minor corner chips and blunts.Professionally graded in accordance with Overstreet Gradi...

good grade Fantastic Four comic #78
good grade limiting defect is minor water stains.Professionally graded in accordance with Overstreet...

good grade Atom comic #2
3 inch split on spine. Cover detached. Minor stain. A solid good grade. Cover detached from top sta...

Nikki, Wild Dog of the North comic very fine 8.0
1961 Walt Disney movie comic. Dell four color #1226. Cover and all pages firmly attached. No folds,...

Akira comic graphic novels
Volumes 1 and 2 are available. Specify which you want.

Record of Lodoss War comic graphic novels
Volume 1 is shown but volumes 2 and 3 are also available. Please specify. All same price.

Record of Lodoss War the Lady of Pharis comic graphic nove...
Ryo Mizuno and Akihiro Yamada. Volume 1.

Fushigi Yugi comic graphic novels
new book.The one shown is volume 1 but volumes 2 thru 7 are available. Specify which you want. All s...

Blade of the Immortal comic graphic novels
new book.The one shown is Dark Shadows but other Blade graphic novels are available including Gather...

Record of Lodoss War Chronicles of the Heroic knight comic g...
Picture shown is for number 1 but volume 2 thru 4 are available and are for the same price. Specify ...

Record of Lodoss War Deedlit's Tale comic graphic novels
Picture shown is for number 1 but volume 2 is available and is for the same price. Specify which vol...

Captain Video #2 comic book vg 4.0
Three cup marks and minor tears in cover along staples (visible in photo). No tears along the front...

g/vg Classic Comics #34 (original)
Limiting defects are minor chipping on edges and spine, mild discolorization along the edges. Cover...

vg+ Fairy Tale Parade comic book #4
One inch tear back cover below lower staple. 1/2 inch tear front cover above lower staple. Cover de...

g/vg Famous Funnies comic #34
Skyroads and Scorchy Smith. Olly of the movies. Mickey Finn. Seaweed Sam.Buck Jones Daisy air rifle...

fine 6.0 Feature Films #2 comic Riding High with Bing Crosby
Minor fold down on lower right corner. Cover a mite weak on the top staple. A miniscule chip on rig...

very fine Mage comic #1
Limiting defects are hairline cracks on the spine. Comico's first color comic.Professionally graded ...

near mint/mint Mage comic #6
Grendel begins. 1st in color. Has 2 very faint spine stress lines that you have to look very hard at...

nm Wolverine comic #81
Adam Kubert.Professionally graded in accordance with Overstreet Grading Guide standards.

nm Wolverine comic #77
Adam Kubert. Professionally graded in accordance with Overstreet Grading Guide standards.