Tales Resold has been serving central North Carolina's comic and used book needs since 1980. Our store front business closed in 2008 but we continue to sell back issue comics and collectible books via this goantiques and ebay websites. We have a very extensive inventory of comic books and over 1000 different graphic novels are IN STOCK. All types of back issues are available. Among the many back issues we have are: Horror comics ---a few ECs, lots of DCs, Charlton, modern (twisted Tales, Fright, etc.), golden age, Little Lulu, Walt Disney (enormous selection), Archies galore, many Fawcetts including Captain Marvel, Three Stooges, Jerry Lewis, Porky Pig, Abbott & Costello, Car 54, Little Dot, Fox & Crow, Blackhawk comics (Quality & DC), Action, Adventure, Superman, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Worlds Finest, many golden age books, Batman, Detective, Marvel Comics any you can think of including many key issues, Fairy Tales on Parade, Planet Comics (about 20 different golden age issues), War comics you name it, we have it. Mad magazines (not too deep prior to 1970) underground comics (sorry, no Freak brothers but many others), many 1980s independent black & whites. Western comics (most likely the most youve ever seen) including several Lone Ranger. Gold Key, Star Trek, Jetsons, we could go on and on. Let us know what you want. Get Rich---------Read a Book!!!

vg/fn 5.0 Boy Illustories comic #47
Cover very smooth and wrinkle free. Has an inked initial on Y . Small fold down on lower right cor...

g/vg 3.0 Adventure Comics #301 (Superboy)
Subscription crease. Cover tears at the staples and re-stapled bottom . Inked writing on cover. Pro...

vg 4.0 Seadevils #12 comic book
Professionally graded according to Overstreet Grading Guide standards.

Adventure Comics #179 very good/fine 5.0
Small tear and some wrinkles at the top left corner. Subscription crease (faint). No other imperfec...

fn- 5.5 Action Comics #257
3 spine stress lines breaking color. Flawless cover otherwise. Pages extra soft and white. Cover and...

fn- 5.5 Action Comics #256
5 spine stress lines breaking color. No wrinkles, folds, tears, or creases.Pages and centerfo;d very...

vg 4.0 Action Comics #221 comic book
Light writing on cover right above ACTION .
Subscription crease. Cover loosely attached to stapl...

Tom Judge End of Days comic #1
Paul Jenkins write, Clayton Crain penciller.

vg 4.0 Mutt & Jeff comic #20
Minor tape repair 3 places on spine and store stamp.Tight on staples. Soft and pliable pages well ...

good Western True Crime comic book #4
Interior is from a later 3_D edition (not sur e what). Has been re-stapled. Moderate tape. Johnny Cr...

vg/fn Zane Grey's Heritage of the Desert comic #236
Faint crease. A few shadow wrinkles. Tight. Flat. Tanning around the inside edges. Tears on 3 of th...

vg Walt Disney's Comics and Stories comic #114
Spine roll. Minor stress around staples. Normal wear. Cover tight on book. Complete.Professionally g...

vf 8.0 Incredible Hulk comic #200
Slight corner bend with no break. No wear whatsoever on any of the rest of the comic.Professionally ...

8.0 vf Hawk and the Dove comic #2
Minute wear on all 4 corners.Two spine stress lines.Tight, flat, and very attractive. Professionally...

The Flash #148 comic book very fine 8.0
Slight browning on bottom edge. Several very minor spine stress lines.Attachment of cover is weak o...

Flash #145 comic book fine/very fine 7.0
Several minor spine stress lines.Minor weakness around top staple. No tears, nicks, or wrinkles. G...

Flash #137 comic book very good 4.0
Subscription crease. Minor staple tear. A few wrinkles. Pages all well attached. Several spine stre...

The Flash comic #132 fine/very fine 7.0
Minor creases on corners. Tiny chip out top left corner of cover.Small nick right edge. Several spin...

80 page giant Lois Lane comic#3 fine 6.0
1/2 inch spine split but...hardly any cover wear apparent with NO creases or dimples. Very minor sp...

vf 8.0 Captain Atom comic #89
11 minor stress lines on spine. One slightly blunted corner. Minor smudge center top. First and las...