Napier Asian Themed Charm Bracelet

This bracelet is made in a hammered silver metal paper chain pattern, and measures 7.5" long. It has 14 Asian themed charms, including a silver Buddha, a lantern, a carved green glass flower with an Asian coin replica on the back, a two sided carged glass charm with one side tangerine colored and the other side a mottled blue, four colored glass bead charms (some with faux pearls where some of the paint has peeled off), two Asian coin replicas, one with two faux pearls, and three other Asian metal design charms. The original spring ring which was marked Germany was missing, and I replaced it with a plain one. This bracelet is shown on pg. 306 of The Napier Company book by Melinda L. Lewis. An advertisement on the next pg (307) from 1958 indicates that this same bracelet originally was sold for $35.