Egyptian Plaster Bas-Relief Plaque from Centre de Documentation sur l'Ancienne Egypte, Circa 1960

Our Egyptian plaster relief in wooden frame from the Centre de Documentation sur l'Ancienne Egypte in Cairo, circa 1950-1970, measures 36 7/8 by 30 3/8 by 1 1/8 inches.
It depicts the Roman emperor Trajan depicted as pharaoh, wearing the double crown pschent (symbolizing the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt), offering flowers (a symbol of beauty) to the goddess Hathor.
Nameplate at center of lower edge reads "Centre de Documentation sur l'Ancienne Egypte, 4 Avenue Ramses, Le Caire" and the same in Arabic.
We believe this organization was renamed Centre de documentation et d'etude sur l'ancienne Egypte (Center for Documentation and Study of Ancient Egypt) some time in the 1960s, and also known as CEDAE.
According to France Archives (the national archives of France), Centre de Documentation et d'Etude sur l'Ancienne Egypte (Center for Documentation and Study of Ancient Egypt, aka CEDAE) was founded in 1900 and operated through 1997. It apparently was renamed Centre de Documentation sur l'Ancienne Egypte at some point in the 1960s.
This French organization based in Cairo was dedicated to the study of ancient Egypt. They published books and catalogues on Egyptian architecture, sculpture, paintings and costumes. Selected publications include: Le Costume dans l'Egypte Ancienne (Dresses in Ancient Egypt), circa 1960; Peinture et Sculpture Egyptiennes (Egyptian Painting & Sculpture), 1960; Le Petit Temple d'Abou Simbel (The Small Temple of Abou Simbel), 1968.