Diamond Cut Sharpener - Scissors Sharpener Metalware

This is a solid medal tool with a picture of a pair of scissors on the top and marked on the blades, "DIAMOND SHARPENER." The othe side of the tool has this, "PAT. APL'D FOR - DIAMOND CUTLERY CO. 60 BROADWAY, NY."
The file on the inside is set at the angle to sharpened a blade. We accept VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, and AMERICAN EXPRESS payment via Paypal, to use this service click on below. Or you can pay with a money order or check to; Greg Beckman c/o Antique Emporium, 565 Blue Star Drive, Traverse City, Michigan 49684 USA. We ship the same day payment is received if paid with a money order. If you make payment with a check, shipping will be delayed. Buyer pays S&H. To receive additional information or to order this item, please email Greg or Bonnie direct if you have any questions regarding this item or by telephone (231) 943-3658. Click to return to our HOME PAGE