Charms/Advertising/3 Swift Premium Ham(s)

These are great advertising charms! Very realisticly made. They are priced at $29.00 EACH. One is a bit larger and flater than the other two. This one is in the 2 pics by itself, I think they are the first 2. The pic with 2 hams, one up and one over on the other side are the smaller and fatter ones. But, I am only talking tiny fractions of difference here. There is some green gunk on the wire shank of one with the string. On one of the ones with the string, you can see where the neck of the ham was "split" when the wire eye pin was inserted. It is about an eighth of an inch long. It appears to be a flaw from the manufacture not recent. The larger one measures approx. 1 3/8"X3/4". The other two are approx. 1 1/4"X5/8". The shipping fees quoted are for first class/Insured in USA for each. Shipping can be combined for multiple purchases.